Lunch Bentos - Week 9

This week is full of school lunches that the kids love, even my extremely picky 9 y/o :). For me that meant minimal lunch prep. We went apple picking this past weekend so apples have been their snack all week. We also whipped up a batch of apple cupcakes, sans frosting, for an additional treat.

School Lunch - Grilled Cheese

School Lunch - Chicken Tenders

It's fall so our fall themed cookie cutters have emerged. This is a ham on white wheat pumpkin sandwich. The sides are an apple cupcake and a few apple slices. 

School Lunch - French Toast Sticks

Friday mornings always seem to be insane at our house. This is a turkey on white wheat sandwich. The decorations are pumpkin cut outs in turkey and cheese. The side is an apple. 
